Monday, February 04, 2008

I feel the pian of this guy

We've all had mix ups in our lives. But what Philly does is pretty un brotherly. I had a similar situation. I had the same first name, last name and middle initial of another guy 2 years older than I. Even in college, he got my gi bill plus his, and I never saw any of it, and he never got in trouble.

I guess I'm saying watch your back, and if you're in a position to correct something, do it. Not only is it the right thing, it might be you someday.

1 comment:

David Amulet said...

"If you're in a position to correct something, do it. Not only is it the right thing, it might be you someday."

Well said, Mike. It's the pay-it-forward concept ... but it should be done regardless of consequences.

-- david