Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Things are working out, I beleive

Got the storage unit fixed, am cleaning out my house to make room for the stuff, and I think I can pull this off. It all depends on whether or not my brother wants to store some stuff until his yard sale. We'll see.

So my insane housemate has uninvited me from my house this Saturday. For a "family only" gathering, which turns out to be her birthday. I'm going to be in Coxsackie for a race until the early afternoon, but then where do I go? I'll stop by my brother's house for a bit, but I'm about to send her an email to let her know that I'll be coming home when I damn well please, or she can deal with me deducting a hefty sum from the rent. I don't pay her to not to be able to come home. I have a race in CT the next day, and have to leave by 645 at the latest. Which means I need to be lying comfortably in my bed by 10. Not asleep, but in bed. This is going to be cool.

That's all I have, and it's not much.


SK said...

Hey, I'm free Saturday afternoon.. why don't you come over? :)

Mike said...

I'm working on that...

Lora said...

Happy Racing this weekend!